Monday, April 10, 2017

Portfolio Guide

Enchanting Encounter
In this riveting story, a man throws away his life and career for the woman of his dreams.

Image of Sita and Rama together. 
Source: DollsofIndia.

Ravana recounts his side of the epic story of his role in the Ramayana.

Psychiatrist's office. 
Source: GirlinSilence Blogspot.

A soft breeze. The blades of grass softly grazing his skin. The shadow of the bodhi tree casting a shadow over his body while protecting him from the harsh rays of sunlight around him. 

Lotus art. 


  1. I reread Enchanting Encounter again
    It was a great story the first time that I read it and I am glad that you chose to add this story to your portfolio for the class. As I mentioned previously, I love the way that you can feel the connection between Rama and Sita. It would definitely be interesting to see if this is what maybe lead to the Ramayana story. For example, it would be interesting to see if Sita accepted Rama’s offer and went with him then that is the reason that Ravana was desperately trying to get her back and despising Rama. I like that this story shows the sacrifices that people will make for love. Rama was a commander that did not lose any battles and he would give all of that and simply turn away to be able to have Sita with him. It is a cute story and I hope you continue it!

  2. Your story about Rama and Sita meeting was very well done. I really enjoyed how different it was from the original story. It makes reading the same plot over and over again more interesting. The detail in describing Rama was fantastic. I loved that they were at war already instead of just at the end. This sets up the conflict before it actually happens. I also liked that Sita appeared in the middle of the battle, from a lightning strike. It would have been interesting if she had said no though. If she would have went back to Ravana's side and Rama could have gone after her to win her heart. I also would have liked to read about why Rama was fighting Ravana in the first place. It makes sense in the Ramayana but it was not explained here. Were they rivals or was Rama conquering the world or was Ravana doing that? Some extra detail about why they were in conflict would have helped complete the story. Overall this was a great read, good job!

  3. Being that I am in myth-folklore and had to choose a third story to comment, your enchanting encounter caught my attention. I’m a sucker for love stories, especially ones that include love at first sight. I know its cheesy but you did so well! I’ve never read the original story though your author’s note explained it well and I understood why you chose her to already be a maidservant. It all synced really well, especially how they met.
    I really liked that you chose to write with Rama’s point of view rather than a usual third person narration. Even though you mentioned in your note that you would’ve had both perspectives and worried that it would’ve been too long, I think you could’ve done both and still made it short and effective! The simplest stories are one of the most effective and powerful. I wrote a story this past week that involved two points of views and did so in diary format. It was a challenge, but I think with some editing and helpful comments, it could make for a great story! Overall, well done!
