Monday, April 10, 2017

Wikipedia Trail: from visual poetry to the wonders of the world

Visual Poetry
Poetry where visual elements predominate.

Example of visual poetry.
Source: Wikipedia.

Concrete Poetry
Poetry where "arrangement of linguistic elements in which the typographical effect is more important in conveying meaning than verbal significance." Also known as color, pattern, or shape poetry.

The second largest city in Egypt, founded by Alexander the Great.

Wonders of the World
A list of the world's most splendid natural or man-made structures. Includes the Great Pyramid of Giza, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Temple of Artemis, Statue of Zeus, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes, and Lighthouse of Alexandria.

Reading Notes: Eastern Stories and Legends

Part A through C. I love these little stories. They are all so profound, even though they are almost child-like in the manner that they are presented. A lot of these stories are based on the lives of the Buddha. My favorite story from this list is the story "The parrot that fed his parents." When I was reading it, I was confused as to what was going on exactly until I got to the best line I've read in a while. It goes like this, "I carry food to my ancient parents who can no longer seek that food for themselves: thus I pay my daily debt. I carry food to my callow chicks whose wings are yet ungrown. When I am old they will care for me—this my loan to them. And for other birds, weak and helpless of wing, who need the aid of the strong, for them I lay up a store; to these I give in charity." This line is so great because this is so true.

Source: Archive.

Eastern Stories and Legends by Marie Shedlock.

Reading Notes: Pattanaik. Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art

  • A cow is the most sacred animal in the Hindu faith. You must never kill a cow or eat beef.
  • With just one cow, a household can be sustained. 
  • A good question: why did the earth exist? for all animals, or was it just for humans? 
    • For all animals, of course, humans just happened to take over. 
    • it'd be interesting to have a story which told about the time when humanity realizes that its not as important as it thinks it is
  • Gomada(?) = the earth cow (the earth in the form of a cow)
  • Vishnu saved the Earth by becoming the Earth's protector. 
  • Human society is an unnatural phenomenon = true. 
  • Lakshmi = container of fortune. She always comes to Vishnu. He never comes to her. (meaning a stable society has good fortune)
  • Vishnu maintains dharma by descending on earth as an avatar.
    • he actually has a bunch of avatars, which is quite interesting

Portfolio Guide

Enchanting Encounter
In this riveting story, a man throws away his life and career for the woman of his dreams.

Image of Sita and Rama together. 
Source: DollsofIndia.

Ravana recounts his side of the epic story of his role in the Ramayana.

Psychiatrist's office. 
Source: GirlinSilence Blogspot.

A soft breeze. The blades of grass softly grazing his skin. The shadow of the bodhi tree casting a shadow over his body while protecting him from the harsh rays of sunlight around him. 

Lotus art. 

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Wikipedia Trails: from Grimms' Fairy Tales to Sine qua non

Grimms' Fairy Tales
A book that contained a collection of German fairy tales.

A fairytale in the Brothers Grimm collection which tells of a girl with long hair trapped in a tower.

Aarne–Thompson classification systems
This is the system used to classify folktales.

Sine qua non
This is a phrase for "without which there is nothing." Used in a sentence: "her leadership was the sine qua non of the organization's success."

The first book of the Brothers Grimm collection of fairy tales.
Source: Wikipedia.

Review: Week 11

Here is my favorite post this week from the class announcements on Sunday, April 9. Always work and strive for your dreams. :)

Famous Last Words: Week 11

The reading for this week went fine. I read about the life of the Buddha, which is quite interesting to me due to my background. There are new and old things I learned from reading this. I had forgotten that he had gotten married before leaving his home but I had no idea that he had a son too. So does that mean that out there somewhere, there are people walking around with the blood of the Buddha? I also found that whenever I write, I should just let the ideas flow out. Who cares if they're not super amazing? Just let them flow and all will be well. I've also been reading other stories and portfolios and wow, there are so many creative people in this class. There was one where had a play/tv show-like set up. That has been my favorite so far. My other classes are doing okay as well. For the rest of the semester, I don't have to do solo presentations anymore. WOOHOO, because those are nerve-wracking. I feel like the more that I present, I get more comfortable with the people in the room. But that doesn't mean that I get comfortable with presenting in general. I wish that wasn't the case though. I hope that by the end of this week, I will be done with this class and another one of my online classes so that I can focus on my one final at the end of the semester and GRADUATE woohoo! My capstone class is actually quite boring nowadays because we've gotten to the point where we talk about the same thing every week. Hopefully in the next 4 weeks, we can find something really interesting in the class to help people wake up since quite a few of my classmates have had the same sentiments about the class.

Cap and diploma. 
Source: Pinterest.