The reading for this week went fine. I read about the life of the Buddha, which is quite interesting to me due to my background. There are new and old things I learned from reading this. I had forgotten that he had gotten married before leaving his home but I had no idea that he had a son too. So does that mean that out there somewhere, there are people walking around with the blood of the Buddha? I also found that whenever I write, I should just let the ideas flow out. Who cares if they're not super amazing? Just let them flow and all will be well. I've also been reading other stories and portfolios and wow, there are so many creative people in this class. There was one where had a play/tv show-like set up. That has been my favorite so far. My other classes are doing okay as well. For the rest of the semester, I don't have to do solo presentations anymore. WOOHOO, because those are nerve-wracking. I feel like the more that I present, I get more comfortable with the people in the room. But that doesn't mean that I get comfortable with presenting in general. I wish that wasn't the case though. I hope that by the end of this week, I will be done with this class and another one of my online classes so that I can focus on my one final at the end of the semester and GRADUATE woohoo! My capstone class is actually quite boring nowadays because we've gotten to the point where we talk about the same thing every week. Hopefully in the next 4 weeks, we can find something really interesting in the class to help people wake up since quite a few of my classmates have had the same sentiments about the class.

Cap and diploma.
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