Out of the three strategies, I think their usefulness to most to least is: Reading Out Loud, Copy-and-Delete, and then Use a Timer. I think reading out loud was great for me because it forced me to slow down to notice the author's style and little details. Most of the time, since college, I've grown accustomed to speed-reading, which makes me only pick out relevant information and miss out on the little minute aspects. At first, I thought copy and delete would have been the most useful to me, but I found that when I did that, it made me become more distracted and forget things when I moved onto the next paragraph. I have tried slowing down when I'm reading before and if I'm feeling really jovial, I'd try to read out loud, but not very often since I like doing things speedily. I think a good way of reading is to read everything and then try to summarize what you've been reading. My favorite story was "Zoology 1114." The author did a great job in making it easy to read and relatable because it was about an OU class that I have taken!

Screenshot by me.
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